2/23/16 Ketel One Master of the Mule Competition

Location: TBA

Our USBG Palm Beach Ketel One Master of the Mule Competition will take place Tuesday February 23, 2016. The exact time and place will be announced shortly. The rules are…
Recipe Submission Due: Tues, Feb 2nd
Competition Date: Tues, Feb 23rd
Statewide Finals: April 2016
8 competitors will be chosen to compete in each city based on the quality/ uniqueness of their recipe and application by a review committee.
1st: $250
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
1st place winners from each city will compete is the statewide final in April 2016.
1st: $750
2nd: $300
All prizes are paid by USBG, competitors must be current members of the USBG in good standing.
Contestants must be current USBG members.
*Contestants must use a minimum of 1 ounce of Ketel One Vodka (Classic, Citroen or Oranje) in their drinks and total combined alcoholic ingredients must be equivalent to no more than 3oz at 40% alc./vol.
INGREDIENTS: A total of five ingredients can be used for the cocktail including spirits, fruit juices, syrups, drops, dashes.
– Only 1 additional alcoholic spirit/modifier beyond your choice of Ketel One is allowed.
– Homemade ingredients will be considered one ingredient in the challenge — recipe must be able to be replicated and given to the organizers at the time of cocktail recipe submission.
– Pre-infusions are NOT allowed. Rapid infusion will be allowed if done during the live competition timeframe.
GARNISHES: Garnishes must be edible but may be mounted on sticks, skewers, straws, forks or other such common bar accessories. Garnishes do not count toward the five ingredient total.
PRODUCT: The organizers and venue will provide all Ketel One products, secondary spirits, standard citrus (lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange), and ice for drinks made for the judges. Contestants must bring all other ingredients to make four full sized competition cocktails as well as for pre-batched version of the exact same recipe in a quantity sufficient to provide 50 one ounce samples for the guests of the competition
– Q Drinks Ginger Beer is a partner and will be provided for you. If another Ginger Beer is desired, you must provide it yourself.
TOOLS/GLASSWARE: Contestants will use their own tools, but no logos may be visible on the tools with the exception of the Ketel One logo. Standard Ketel One copper Mule mugs will be available; unique mugs or glassware must be provided by the competitor.
· Taste: 30
· Presentation/Interpretation of Theme: 20
· Representation of Ketel One: 15
· Appearance: 15
· Skill & Technique: 10
· Overall Impression: 10
§ Total: 100
Drinks must be hand shaken, stirred, or blended for the judges; except for the pre-batched versions for the event attendees
TIMING: Competitors will be given 5 minutes to setup. Each competitor will have 10 minutes to create 4 full size servings of their signature drink and explain their cocktail/ methodology to the judges and the crowd. You are timed from the moment you start making the first drink until you choose to stop making cocktails or the time is finished. You cannot enter any cocktail for judging once the clock stops.
Competitors serving drinks that appear inedible or working with unhygienic methods will be disqualified.
Unique and Signature Recipes entered must be the original creation of the competitor and if a competitor is thought to have obviously plagiarized a known, existing cocktail they will be disqualified.
DRINK NAMES: Drink names including rude, lurid, sexual words, or words associated with narcotics or motor vehicles are prohibited.
CONDUCT: Competitors are encouraged to talk to the crowd and judges while making their drink and points will be awarded for general presentation and working methods. Competitors may be disqualified for unruly or intoxicated behavior.
To submit your recipe and apply go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7BSSC8T
To RSVP to watch the event, use the link below…
Good Luck!
All rules are subject to change without notice.
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