09/08/20 “Hospitality Interruption Insurance & Cachaca Education”

Join us for our next USBG Palm Beach (United States Bartenders’ Guild) Monthly Meeting for September on Tuesday September 8th at 2pm.
You will be able to enjoy in the comfort of your own home while practicing proper social distancing as we will be broadcasting LIVE via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 6506 4153
Password: 106531
We will start off with our USBG Palm Beach updates and where members and the board can create dialogues with an update from the board and members asking questions with us all finding ways we can all help grow the chapter together.
Next we have a Thirst Group seminar with Eric Vincent about helping keep independent restaurants and hospitality alive, by advocating that our elected officials ensure insurance carriers provide the protection you paid for.
Following up with a Cachaca education with Avua Cachaca and much more.
Overall it’s going to be a fun and educational event while growing our chapter together. Hope to see you there. #usbgpalmbeach
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